Archive for godzilla


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on February 17, 2009 by thrownhammer

Over the last couple of months I have noticed something. In our downstairs bathroom there are always two ants wandering around. They are the little black ones. Not Army Ants, or Fire Ants, just little harmless ants. I always smash them because I really like Godzilla movies. I have been thinking though… There are always two ants, always on the same room of the house. I have been assuming there were always two new ants in that room, but could it be something far more sinister?

Perhaps…. ZOMBIE ANTS!!! Undead zombie ants are roaming unabated in our house. This has to be stopped. What if my kids are brushing their teeth and the little Zombie Ants are crawling around squeaking…”brains”? I am not sure how they would do any damage, but the thought sends chills down my spine.